If you were Suitsseason five finale when Mike decided against marrying Rachel, you might want to sit down for this. It turns out that it wasn't always supposed to go like that.

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In fact, as star Patrick J. Adams recently revealed to E! News, Mike was originally intended to begin serving his prison sentence a married man—and the change was only made a day before it was due to be filmed!
"It was a wedding until the day before. In the original script we were getting married, and all of us we're kind of like…it just felt a little cheesy to me, when we were all reading it," Adams told us. "But everybody was ready to do it, and I just thought, this is so much in an episode. Like, I'm going to get married and I'm going to go to jail, it just felt like we were packing it all in."
What led showrunner Aaron Korsh to shakeup his plan for the finale so drastically with a down-to-the-wire decision? As Adams tells it, chatter around set prompted him to reconsider whether the wedding was the right choice for the show. "And I guess, usually Aaron doesn't change big things at the last minute, but I guess he heard a couple of people say that and he started poking around the set and going like, 'What would you think if we changed it and you didn't get married?' And I was like, 'Absolutely. I think that's much, much stronger,'" he shared. "It's a great spin for the audience, they think it's going to happen and it doesn't happen. It just felt like it had more emotional weight and it felt like it made more sense for his character to say like, 'I can't do this to you.' It felt a lot more important to say no to the wedding. So it was a day before that we got the new pages that it wasn't a wedding."
And if you were hoping to see a lot of Mike and Rachel (Meghan Markle) together in the upcoming new season, you might want to think again. Prison tends to do that to a couple. But Adams sees the separation as a positive for Rachel, a character we will finally get to explore outside of her love life. "We've shot a couple of scenes together, and those were great to be reconnected with Meghan for a little bit, but ultimately, for Rachel, it's a great season because she's separated from Mike," he told us. "Her story is not about how she can service Mike or take care of Mike or keep Mike's secret or be mad at Mike." 
Before you begin to panic, however, Adams added that it's not all "out of sight, out of mind" for the troubled twosome. "She is not a character that is directly related to Mike anymore and I think we need more women on the screen and we have such powerful women on our show, so to finally get to see Rachel dealing with her own situation, being at school, dealing with a case at school that's very important that she takes on, she is on her path right now," he continued. "And obviously, we refer back to each other and we miss each other profoundly, but she is doing something on her own that's unrelated to him. I think that's great for the character."
Are you disappointed that Mike and Rachel's planned wedding was scrapped? Or was it the right thing to do? Sound off in the comments below.
Suits returns for season six on Wednesday, July 13 at 9 p.m. on USA.

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